how to sell your soul to become a hollywood celebirty forever.
Journal entry 8: in the moon net sky asfjrewptowtwtpwtwtpowiitwrtwperiwetwptiwtwtw)
clip magick write every idea of the random words or the shapes and colors out on a sheet of parchement. or paper. or typeiing stuffs.
write out typing stuffs to your best impression of this lagnuage this is written in. and write this book is been since the dawn of existance with a magick tape cus this book is old in your idea of what words should mean together called langauge.
its a form of clip magick. Its just you will plagerize adam, his imagine as ripping off each other in seven flavors for eterniy.
selfishness, selfness, this version as first second, the first ever (but credit given, to adam to me to hero), villiainy and widkness we call evil, 4 things at once, horror, whimsical things, snowflake)
so snowflake is raelly hard to achieve as all of them or emo. selfiness is cola. selfness is vanila. The first ever is chery. the first second is mango. Villainy and wickness we call evil is potatoes and canibles and sacrices as goof thigns caleld potatoe wafers, 4 things at once is rice pudding as my imagatination for the gods, horror is pears and furit, whimsicle things is sweets and carige as syup for paul in all forms yes includiing caugh and medicne but mainly maple, and and nsowflake is emo which is fashion or chewing your hair but mainly its um chai tea. green tea. and oblong tea but all with sugar. and soda.
so this is called a song catelog. a song catelog is a giant book forever based on this one. as these three original songs for etenrity as all music as pattenrs of hearing.
music was once very sad. circle cirlce t. triangle triangle blue.
and the first ever cover which is self plagerism with memory loss [square swaure brackets] make up lines as squigly.
just draw those out to receive the songs and them as well in your genre.
tehe its a spell to read sheet music.
anyways youll remember them as one of these things, please pick then your flaovr.
the first flavor cherry which tastes like cherry coca cola or that doctor pepper syrup for icecraem, which is warm nights, being insane as a cover story, eating literal nothings and shit and piss and roaches infesting you but always the spiritual version unless you want him as dogshit as a kink of skat, playing the violin, bad things as pleasure or good or nice feeligns or the word wumbas as cute kittens and magick hrons, bdsm sex, retardation, bad reputations, embodying your father, and copy copies, phsyical disailities, sunsets, emopinkcore, games, distilled, and vr.
your cover you draw yourself to get redone later.
the feeling as flavor.
redraw that last image that is what you have chosen disability as good things. chances are you will one day be arleady or suffer already with something that isnt as natural as you think it is, but should always be given that and seen as that as ag ift.
everyone who does this gets lice if its not this flavor. or terets. you become a vessel if you dont get this. all but four of you for etenity will because its an add on its mods. hes a cool guy as uncle anansi it just means you have to suffer a sweat rack. You have to pay for this catelog it makes you a celebrity forever.
evil itself. lets see.
it tastes like crossdressing with humilation pleasure as kink, secrelty a bad ass guy as a girl though, roller skates, action figures, cool tv shows with joseph smith as zone captor, actors, hollywood, flodos, waters, games, game games, the bible as even pagan things, heroics, rainbow rowells which are a type of semi colans, asfaganstan iraq, service for real, service not for real if you pick rainbow puzzle peice, and gypsey dances, so magick as the sun moonlight and puffy clouds we go when we die which is cameras and videos.
the first ever,
it feels like mercy, death, holy, forviness, never being able to harm others, being spiteful, walking over you, pain, nuetiring, castrations, brains, problems, self sabtagoe, gifts to adam snowflake, gifts to morgan hoffman, gift to gerad, gift ro makas, gift of rapes, gift or self mutilations. it comes across as being overly good and kind and caring no matter what as good things that take the creidt pain blame away as self owning. but only 7 souls in existance on repeat ever choose this image. its selma. you die if you pick it. but you dont ever need a facelaim as always having them again. oh and you hrut yourself forever.your the spooky scary flood, your evil itself, but you get fame. :D
it feels like taking care of, the sad things, the good ones, the darkness, the ideas of, the heroics towards, and lastly the birdage in ways of, not caring, as over caring, as selfiness and caring to much, as worship worship worship, good slavery, bad ills, the trick protecting itself in this book, the happy days, and the songs of despair forever. gon som pa.
selfness and the first version as this second. their the same thing but one as good and one as evil. so one as mods. and one as original recreations.
this is literalsim, like whatever, you serious bro, i fuking hate you so much right now kidding but, i fuking hate you never talk to me. i like you. im a ptoatoe chip, self harm, mutilation, thanksgiving, buttter, bear, honey lemon, good hits for decky, yum yum sauce, tofu, and not choosing after, one of a kind, and destruction fo harmony. toats yummmm.
the res as horror lets see.
the holy spirit, the heavinly father, and tircks as big plans as good games. holiiness. godhood. elohim.
and that shorror.
now your final choice will be your main flavor and pain if you were at all mean to god as a baby goat, as this selection.
your now required to hear this song.
now you hear a line from the original song and you have completed the ritual the otpions are. a rock star, emo and indie, one hit wonder as steryptically understood forever, alts, mourning catelogs, magician between the lines, and god hoods.
This is the ritual for hollywood. its just you kind of do sample one person alot if you become a sucsesful muscian and sometimes if you pick white horses over and over and overagain. every musician with a recording contract or a youtubbe channel ahs over 6 songs they have samples or ripped off directly as their own thing or a different genre as stealing from until this day compuslive ink. now its by choice. please do this to a rich and fmaous celrbity. but you will kind of go to hell and become the loving slave of a demon for eternity named compulsive ink. you will have coipes of yourself, your credit will come to someone else, but outside of compuslvie ink it will all be seen as you. now throw a party. you will go skinny dipping. youll become inhuman creatures at a party. and learn of adam degrassi. yo also get a youtube account sorry. your rememberd as your flavor till tis taylors or taylorifieid then yuor just a good verison of that. yes even you charles mansen. you will have an emo phase sorry! rockstars are the only old people ever to keep it as mentally young. you now here the words you have chosen .
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